| 02/05/2008 What's the link between the special large operation unveiled by the Filka-Israel internet site and Lebanese MP Walid Jumblatt's claims that Hezbollah is monitoring runway 17 at the Beirut international airport, not to forget his aim at Hezbollah's security measures?
According to the Israeli site, the large operation was supposed to deal a severe blow to Hezbollah by targeting one of cadres in the southern suburb of Beirut, but it was called off at the last minute. This comes in light of a statement made by an Israeli general who spoke on condition of anonymity, saying that a joint effort between international and Lebanese special services would have dealt a lethal strike to Hezbollah and changed everything for Israel. The general added that the services were commissioned with tracking and directing aerial fire at the "significant" target. A senior officer in the Israeli Air Force confirmed that pilots and aerial defense forces as well as anti-sea missiles units had received orders on the 25th of April to be on a maximum state of alert. This information crossed with what Israeli channel 10 has revealed. It said that Israel had aborted an extremely secret operation of which very few people in the army and intelligence services knew about. Israeli expert in military affairs, Shai Hazkani told Israeli Channel 10 that Hezbollah had discovered the operation while tapping a telephone call, which was the reason why a decision was taken to ban the use of mobile phones by Israeli officers and soldiers.
Giving more credibility to this information, Israeli monitors and analysts spoke about a role Jumblatt had played in the assassination of top resistance commander Imad Moghniyeh, saying that he had provided Israel with information about his (Moghniyeh) movement via a Lebanese officer loyal to the Druz leader serving in a security service.
Israeli commentator and expert on Middle Eastern issues Ehud Yaari said that "the word is that a Lebanese anti-Hezbollah party including the head of the security body of Walid Jumblatt, Hisham Nasreddine, has played a role in the assassination of Imad Moghniyeh, after Jumblatt assailed Moghniyeh three days before his assassination."
Israeli expert in Middle Eastern affairs, Benhas Anbar confirmed that "beyond doubt, the Mossad assassinated Moghniyeh thanks to the wide cooperation of some Lebanese sides which have interests intersecting with Israeli interests, including Walid Jumblatt, who rigorously assailed Moghniyeh."
Jumblatt has opened fire recently at the measures adopted by Hezbollah to protect its cadres and this intersects with what Israeli media outlets had revealed about secret meetings Jumblatt had held in Washington with Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak and his deputy chief of staff Moshe Kaplinski. During those meetings, Jumblatt blamed the Israelis for failing to crush Hezbollah during the July 2006 war.
Jumblatt warned Thursday against what he claimed to be a possible attack on Beirut airport's runway used by executive jets, saying it is subject to monitoring by a Hezbollah-operated camera. Jumblatt claimed Hezbollah has placed a container on a side road in the Ouzai district overlooking Beirut airport's western runway and placed a camera in it to monitor aircraft traffic along the facility. The Progressive Socialist Party leader attributed the information to what he referred to as a "secret document by a side, I won't name, on a scheme by Hezbollah."
Hezbollah retorted to Jumblatt and said that "he has translated his nightmares and tension into a play that includes targeting personalities or planes; something closer to action and horror movies than his own imagination. The main goal is to meet US accusations to resistance movements across the Arab world including Hezbollah, of terrorism. So Jumblatt has transformed into a propaganda mouthpiece that echoes the words of George W. Bush and the US State Department report on terrorism. What's eye-catching in Jumblatt's statement, and before him Sami Geagea, are predictions of serious security incidents and assassinations. This points the finger to the real sides that are planning to perpetrate suspected acts to serve their political project that is linked to the foreigner and to preset charges to others in the framework of the project of sedition directed by Washington."
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