هيكل يشيد بالسيد نصر الله والمقاومة في لبنان | ||
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29/05/2008 اعتبر الكاتب المصري محمد حسنين هيكل ان لبنان أفلت من أزمة خطيرة كان يمكن أن تعصف به. وراى ان لبنان ليس واحة للديمقراطية في المنطقة كما يشاع، وأضاف خلال ندوة بنادي القضاة في القاهرة: "أعتقد أن الأزمة الأخيرة غير واضحة المعالم، وتفاصيلها غامضة أيضا لأن لبنان تركيبة صعبة، وبعض الدول العربية تلعب في لبنان بهدف إحراج سوريا". |
Haikal Praise Nassrallah and Resistance in Lebanon
May 29th 2008 the famous Egyptian Arab journalist, Muhammad Hassanin Haikal, said Lebanon escaped a dangerous crisis that

(Hezbollah Press Office )
Imad Mughnieh in a recent photo released by Hezbollah
could have damaged it. He added that Lebanon is not, as claimed, an oasis of democracy in the region. He added in a seminar held at the Cairo Judges Club: "I believe that the situation there is not clear, and its details are obscure due to the country's complexity, and some Arab state create trouble to hurt Syria" .Haikal praised the secretary General of Hezbollah, Sayed Hassan Nassralah, and said we do the man injustice when we say that he is an Iranian agent in Lebanon (Though the Egyptian ruling regime do not share him the idea), although he acted as a Lebanese, and entered an honorable war, which turned the concepts of resistance against the Zionist enemy upside down. The Zionist state of Israel learned from this resistance a lesson in the logic of resistance.
Concerning the resistance martyr leader, Imad Mughnieh, Haikal confirmed that three Arab intelligence services are considered to be connivers in the assassination, without specifying the names.
Translated by: Adibsk
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