23 juin 2010

En Belgique, une plainte déposée à l’encontre de 14 dirigeants israéliens

mercredi 23 juin 2010, par La Rédaction

Deux avocats belges, Me Georges-Henri Beauthier et Alexis Deswaef, ont annoncé, mercredi 23 juin, à Bruxelles, le dépôt d’une plainte pour crimes contre l’humanité et crimes de guerre à l’encontre de 14 dirigeants politiques et militaires israéliens. Elle vise des actes commis à la fin 2008 et au début 2009 à Gaza, lors de l’opération militaire "Plomb durci". La plainte cite, entre autres, Ehoud Olmert, Tzipi Livni et Ehoud Barak, respectivement premier ministre, ministre des affaires étrangères et ministre de la défense à l’époque des faits. Le vice-ministre de la défense et ancien général de Tsahal, Matan Vilnaï, est également cité, ainsi que divers hauts responsables de l’armée et des services de renseignement.
Agissant notamment pour le compte d’un médecin belge d’origine palestinienne, Anouar Rashid Saïd El-Okka et ses deux frères, dont les champs de fruits et d’oliviers ont été intentionnellement détruits et brûlés au phosphore, les deux avocats s’appuient sur les dispositions de loi belge en matière de compétence universelle.
Leur plainte vise aussi le bombardement de la mosquée Al-Maqadmah, à proximité du camp de réfugiés de Jabaliya. Seize civils, dont des enfants, avaient été tués lors d’une attaque censée viser des militants du Hamas. Les avocats belges représentent 13 victimes, blessées ou qui ont perdu un proche.
Me Beauthier et Deswaef déposent au parquet fédéral belge un document très fouillé de 70 pages, reprenant, entre autres, les conclusions d’un rapport des Nations unies (la "mission Goldstone") sur les violences commises à Gaza. Il invite la justice belge à se saisir de leur plainte étant donné que "la Palestine n’étant pas reconnue comme Etat, son appareil judiciaire ne permet pas de telles poursuites".
Quant aux juridictions israéliennes, "elles ne présentent pas les qualités d’indépendance, d’impartialité et d’équité, telles qu’exigées par le droit international des droits de l’homme", note le texte.
Ce n’est pas la première fois que la justice belge est confrontée à une plainte concernant Israël. En 2001, des Palestiniens et des Libanais avaient tenté de faire juger l’ancien premier ministre Ariel Sharon pour les massacres des camps de Sabra et Chatila, en 1982. L’affaire avait tourné à l’incident diplomatique et la Belgique avait, dans la foulée, décidé de restreindre la portée de sa loi de compétence universelle. Celle-ci prévoit désormais un critère de "rattachement", à savoir l’implication directe d’un citoyen belge. Ce critère est rempli dans le cas présent, le docteur El-Okka possédant la nationalité belge.
Les biens que ce dernier possédait avec ses deux frères ont été entièrement dévastés, et son puits d’eau rendu inutilisable, alors que les cultures visées constituaient les seules ressources de sa famille, dans la région d’El-Zeytoun au sud-est de Gaza. Selon ses avocats, la région ne comportait aucun combattant palestinien et aucune arme n’y était stockée.

(Mercredi, 23 juin 2010 - Avec les agences de presse)

Non au terrorisme de l’Etat d’Israël

sur al-oufok

http://www.haaretz. com/news/ diplomacy- defense/belgian- lawyers-to- charge-barak- and-livni- for-war-crimes- 1.297920

Belgian lawyers to charge Barak and Livni for war crimes

Two Belgian lawyers, working on behalf of a group of Palestinians, plan to charge 14 Israeli politicians, including Ehud Olmert, Ehud Barak, Tzipi Livni and Matan Vilnai, for crimes against humanity and war crimes.

By Danna Harman Tags: Israel news Ehud Barak Ehud Olmert Gaza

LONDON - Two Belgian lawyers announced on Wednesday that, working on behalf of a group of Palestinians - including, significantly, one who is a Belgian national - they were intending to charge 14 Israeli politicians, including Ehud Olmert, Ehud Barak, Tzipi Livni and Matan Vilnai, for crimes against humanity and war crimes.

The lawyers, Georges-Henri Beauthier and Alexis Deswaef said they were acting on behalf of 13 Palestinian victims from Gaza, and an additional man - Anouar El Okka, a Belgian doctor of Palestinian origin.

The current charges would be brought against the Israeli leaders using the principle of universal jurisdiction, the lawyers said - and would focus on alleged crimes, including the use of phosperous, committed during the Israeli bombardment of Gaza in January 2009.

In Belgian, the law states that there must be a connection between the crimes and a Belgian citizen in order to successfully prosecute under universal jurisdiction - something El Okka would supply.

This is not the first time the Belgian system has been asked to charge Israeli with such offenses. Just last year, Belgian attorneys, acting on behalf of Belgian nationals with relatives who were wounded or killed in Gaza, petitioned a court there to arrest then Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni upon her arrival in Brussels. However, in that case it seems the connection between the victims and Belgium was not strong enough to follow through with the case.

The most famous case to date involving Belgium and Israel was in 2001 when there was a criminal complaint in Belgium on behalf of 21 survivors of the 1982 massacre at the Shabra and Shatila refugee camps in Beirut. The then Israeli Defense Minister (Ariel Sharon) and members of the Lebanese Christian militia were charged with war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. It was after this case that the law was changed to include a clause about a Belgian connection.

This was far from the only negative attention to Israel in Europe this week.

In Strasbourg on Wednesday, the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly was expected to issue a condemnation of Israel’s behavior over the flotilla events and call for an independent international investigation.

The President of the council Mehemet Kavasgholu, a Turk, told a Turkish newspaper last week that he would not only demand such an investigation but would also set up the investigation under the council’s auspices, something that lies within their mandate.

MK Yochanan Plezner, chair of the permanent Israeli delegation to the Council said yesterday that he and his team were hoping to avoid such an outcome.

“They will no doubt condemn Israel but our goal is to ensure that an independent international inquiry is not established, and that the council makes do with the Israeli commission,” he said.

Plezner added that it is very clear the mood in Europe was increasingly unfavorable to Israel.

“There is definitely a more critical mood and we see this mainly with out friends and allies who are less willing to stand alongside us,” he said. “And, our foes are becoming more adept at exploiting the liberal discourse against Israel....so it is becoming less politically correct to support of stand by Israel.”

In Sweden meanwhile, dockworkers launched a week-long boycott of cargo to and from Israel to protest the flotilla episode. About 1,500 members of the Swedish Dockworkers Union began the boycott on Tuesday across the country's ports, which handle more than 95 per cent of Sweden's foreign trade.

Bjoern Borg, the dockworkers union's chairman, said they were calling for an international investigation into the May 31 raid and added Israel's recent easing of its Gaza blockade was insufficient.

"We don't think it is far-reaching enough," he said. "We want them to lift the blockade."

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