Dear comrades,
Security forces raided at dawn today on Pearl Square, which was the centre of protests in the Bahraini capital Manama, and used all means of force, including exploding bullets, to disperse the protestors and to seize the square.
This led to the deaths of at least 5 people and injuries to hundreds of others. They also surrounded the Sulamanieyh hospital where the wounded and the martyrs were supposed to be taken. The Bahraini people’s protests were peaceful in every sense of the word.
We are calling for reform, social justice and negotiation with the executive power. The video footage shows a peaceful crowd chanting as they receive a barrage of rubber bullets and tear gas.
Everything was normal until 1 am, but then the treacherous security forces attacked the protesters, including women and children, beat foreign media correspondents and confiscated their cameras.
The security forces are still surrounding the entrances to a number of villages and searching homes.
What we’ve seen are dozens of tanks deployed in different areas of Bahrain and news reports on the use of Saudi military.
We invite you to call for a demonstration of solidarity in front of Bahrain’s embassies or any of the headquarters of the Organization of the United Nations and send messages of protest to the embassies of Bahrain and international agencies in your countries, on Friday 18 February at 3 in the afternoon.
That the Bahraini people need in these times the courage to struggle this tyrannical regime.
Hussein Ureybi
Coordinator General for External Relations Progressive Democratic Forum
(Translated by Joseph Daher)
Photo : Doctors marched to Pearl Square after the government prevented ambulances helping the injured
Security forces raided at dawn today on Pearl Square, which was the centre of protests in the Bahraini capital Manama, and used all means of force, including exploding bullets, to disperse the protestors and to seize the square.
This led to the deaths of at least 5 people and injuries to hundreds of others. They also surrounded the Sulamanieyh hospital where the wounded and the martyrs were supposed to be taken. The Bahraini people’s protests were peaceful in every sense of the word.
We are calling for reform, social justice and negotiation with the executive power. The video footage shows a peaceful crowd chanting as they receive a barrage of rubber bullets and tear gas.
Everything was normal until 1 am, but then the treacherous security forces attacked the protesters, including women and children, beat foreign media correspondents and confiscated their cameras.
The security forces are still surrounding the entrances to a number of villages and searching homes.
What we’ve seen are dozens of tanks deployed in different areas of Bahrain and news reports on the use of Saudi military.
We invite you to call for a demonstration of solidarity in front of Bahrain’s embassies or any of the headquarters of the Organization of the United Nations and send messages of protest to the embassies of Bahrain and international agencies in your countries, on Friday 18 February at 3 in the afternoon.
That the Bahraini people need in these times the courage to struggle this tyrannical regime.
Hussein Ureybi
Coordinator General for External Relations Progressive Democratic Forum
(Translated by Joseph Daher)
Photo : Doctors marched to Pearl Square after the government prevented ambulances helping the injured

رسالة المنبر الديمقراطي التقدمي في البحرين الى اللقاء اليساري العربي الاستثنائي
الرفيقات والرفاق الاعزاء ،
داهمت قوات الامن فجر اليوم ميدان اللؤلؤ، مركز الاحتجاجات في العاصمة البحرينية المنامة، واستخدمت كافة اساليب القوة، بما فيها الرصاص الانشطاري، لتفريق المتظاهرين والاستيلاء على الميدان. وادى ذلك الى مقتل 5 اشخاص على الأقل واصابة المئات. كما طوقت مستشفى السلمانية حيث من المفترض نقل الجرحى والشهداء
وكانت احتجاجات الشعب البحريني سلمية بكل ما تحمله الكلمة من معنى. تطالب بالاصلاح والعدالة الاجتماعية وتداول السلطة التنفيذية. واظهرت لقطات الفيديو اطلاق المتجمهرين هتافات سلمية وهم يتلقون وابل الرصاص المطاطي والانشطاري ومسيلات الدموع.
كل شئ كان طبيعياً لغاية الساعة 1 صباحا. الا ان قوات الامن مارست عادتها الغادرة وهاجمت المحتجين الذين كان من بينهم نساء واطفال واعتدت بالضرب على مراسلي وسائل الاعلام الاجنبية وصادرت كاميراتهم. ومازالت قوات الامن تطوق عددا من مداخل القرى وتداهم المنازل. :ما وشوهدت عشرات الدبابات وهي تنتشر في مختلف مناطق البحرين ورشحت انباء عن الاستعانة بالجيش السعودي.
اننا ندعوكم للدعوة لتظاهرة تضامنية امام السفارة البحرينية او اي من مقرات منظمة الامم المتحدة في بلدانكم وارسال الرسائل الاحتجاجية لسفارات البحرين والهيئات الدولية في بلدانكم، وذلك في يوم الجمعة الموافق 18 فبراير - شباط الجاري في تمام الساعة 3 من بعد الظهر.
ان الشعب البحريني يحتاج في هذه الاوقات الى وقفتكم الشجاعة لتعرية هذا النظام المتجبر.
حسين العريبي
المنسق العام للعلاقات الخارجية
المنبر الديمقراطي التقدمي
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