Naplouse - 12 mars 2011
Cinq colons israéliens tués à Itamar
Par Palestine Info
Cinq colons israéliens ont été tués samedi à l'aube chez eux dans la colonie Itamar, construite sur la terre palestinienne près de Naplouse.Les médias affirment qu'un "terroriste présumé" s'est infiltré dans la colonie et a tué le père, la mère et trois de leurs enfants.
Des forces de l'occupation israéliennes (FOI) se sont immédiatement déployées dans le secteur et ont imposé un couvre-feu sur les villages palestiniens voisins, tandis qu'une opération à grande échelle a été lancée avec une présence massive d'hélicoptères et d'avions de reconnaissance.
Le reporter du Centre palestinien d'information a dit que les troupes des FOI ont bouclé toutes les entrées à Naplouse, provoquant de longues files de véhicules.
Il a cité des témoins qui ont dit que les soldats postés aux barrages routiers à l'entrée de la ville tiraient sur quiconque s'approchait d'eux.
Selon des sources locales, les soldats ont donné l'assaut au village d'Orta, à l'est de Naplouse, ont fait irruption dans de nombreuses maisons et ont emmené des citoyens.
Entretemps, d'autres unités des FOI ont attaqué cinq villages au sud de Jénine peu après l'attaque et tiré des bombes éclairantes avant de passer les village au peigne fin.
Source : Palestine Info
Traduction : MR pour ISM
Several of the victims were seriously injured. Ibrahim Hassan, 15 years old, was shot by a live bullet which entered his back and went through his kidney before it exited. His condition is reported to be stable, but he might loose his kidney. Qaher Oude, 25 years old, was first shot in his left leg and then beaten. The settlers beat him on his upper body with stones and sticks and then used a big stone to completely crush his right leg. He will have his surgery tomorrow.
“I heard that people were injured, so I went there to help them and suddenly I got shot. The settlers came from nowhere.” Said Qaher Oude.
Three farmers were working their land outside the village of Qusra when they were attacked by settlers from the nearby illegal outposts. At 16.30 the village imam called for help for the farmers and the people of the village came to their aid. When villagers arrived four Palestinians were already injured and the Israeli army was there, protecting the settlers. In total, there were about 50 settlers accompanied by the Israeli army. The residents of Qusra reported that the Israeli soldiers did nothing to stop the settler violence, but instead actually took part in the beating and shooting of civilians. Some of the injured people reported they had been shot and beaten by soldiers and some by settlers. “They were shot by Israeli bullets, it’s no difference”. Said one of the villagers.
Among the injured in Qusra today were people shot by live ammunition and rubber coated steel bullets, people beaten by settlers and soldiers, and people who suffered the asphyxiating effects of gas inhalation.
Qusra with its 4,000 inhabitants is situated 22 km south of the city of Nablus, near the illegal Israeli settlement of Migalim. This is the second serious incident involving violent settlers in Qusra in the last two months. In the afternoon of the 7th of March 2011, villagers from Qusra, south of Nablus, were attacked by settlers from the surrounding illegal outposts who shortly were accompanied by the Israeli army. Thirteen Palestinian men were injured and taken to Rafidia hospital in Nablus. Nurses reported that the ambulance staff were prevented from reaching the wounded people.Updated on March 9, 2011
Hier à Iraq Burin, grenade lacrymogène au milieu des fraisiers
Iraq Burin est un village de 700 habitants, au sud de Naplouse. Le village est encerclé par les deux colonies illégales de Bracha, Yizhar et de leurs avant-postes. Les colons ont volé jusqu'à maintenant plus de 4.000 dunams (400 ha) de terre au village.
Le 27 janvier, Oday Qadous, 20 ans, a été tué par les tirs des colons alors qu'il ramassait du bois entre les villages de Iraq Burin et Burin.
Il y a environ un an, les villageois d'Iraq Burin ont organisé une manifestation hebdomadaire contre le vol de leur terre par les colons. L'armée israélienne a répondu aux protestations avec une grande violence, tirant des grenades lacrymogènes et des balles caoutchouc-acier directement sur les gens.
En mars 2010, Mohammed Qadous, 16 ans, et Asaud Qadous, 19 ans, ont été tués par les forces israéliennes pendant une manifestation non violente à Iraq Burin. Après cet incident tragique, les habitants d'Iraq Burin ont décidé de ne plus organiser de manifestations hebdomadaires, car le prix était trop élevé.
13 injured when Israeli settlers and army attack the village of Qusra
Several of the victims were seriously injured. Ibrahim Hassan, 15 years old, was shot by a live bullet which entered his back and went through his kidney before it exited. His condition is reported to be stable, but he might loose his kidney. Qaher Oude, 25 years old, was first shot in his left leg and then beaten. The settlers beat him on his upper body with stones and sticks and then used a big stone to completely crush his right leg. He will have his surgery tomorrow.
“I heard that people were injured, so I went there to help them and suddenly I got shot. The settlers came from nowhere.” Said Qaher Oude.
Three farmers were working their land outside the village of Qusra when they were attacked by settlers from the nearby illegal outposts. At 16.30 the village imam called for help for the farmers and the people of the village came to their aid. When villagers arrived four Palestinians were already injured and the Israeli army was there, protecting the settlers. In total, there were about 50 settlers accompanied by the Israeli army. The residents of Qusra reported that the Israeli soldiers did nothing to stop the settler violence, but instead actually took part in the beating and shooting of civilians. Some of the injured people reported they had been shot and beaten by soldiers and some by settlers. “They were shot by Israeli bullets, it’s no difference”. Said one of the villagers.
Among the injured in Qusra today were people shot by live ammunition and rubber coated steel bullets, people beaten by settlers and soldiers, and people who suffered the asphyxiating effects of gas inhalation.
Qusra with its 4,000 inhabitants is situated 22 km south of the city of Nablus, near the illegal Israeli settlement of Migalim. This is the second serious incident involving violent settlers in Qusra in the last two months.
Naplouse - 7 mars 2011
Des colons attaquent les fermiers à Iraq Burin, au sud de Naplouse
Des colons ont attaqué les villageois d'Iraq Burin, dimanche 6 mars. Les fermiers avaient obtenu du Service de coordination de district la permission d'aller travailler leurs terres pendant deux jours, et ils étaient accompagné par des soldats pour les protéger de la violence des colons. Les soldats ont quitté les lieux et une vingtaine de colons ont surgi et ont attaqué les fermiers, à coup de pierres et de matraques. Les gens du village sont venus protégés les fermiers et ont réussi à obliger les colons à repartir dans leur colonie. Les soldats israéliens sont alors revenus et ont tiré des grenades lacrymogènes sur les villageois. Par chance, personne n'a été blessé.Hier à Iraq Burin, grenade lacrymogène au milieu des fraisiers
Iraq Burin est un village de 700 habitants, au sud de Naplouse. Le village est encerclé par les deux colonies illégales de Bracha, Yizhar et de leurs avant-postes. Les colons ont volé jusqu'à maintenant plus de 4.000 dunams (400 ha) de terre au village.
Le 27 janvier, Oday Qadous, 20 ans, a été tué par les tirs des colons alors qu'il ramassait du bois entre les villages de Iraq Burin et Burin.
Il y a environ un an, les villageois d'Iraq Burin ont organisé une manifestation hebdomadaire contre le vol de leur terre par les colons. L'armée israélienne a répondu aux protestations avec une grande violence, tirant des grenades lacrymogènes et des balles caoutchouc-acier directement sur les gens.
En mars 2010, Mohammed Qadous, 16 ans, et Asaud Qadous, 19 ans, ont été tués par les forces israéliennes pendant une manifestation non violente à Iraq Burin. Après cet incident tragique, les habitants d'Iraq Burin ont décidé de ne plus organiser de manifestations hebdomadaires, car le prix était trop élevé.
Source : Palsolidarity
Traduction : MR pour ISM
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