Eng.Moustafa Roosenbloom ,
studying the phone-book.
Rectification and amelioration
for the current dictionaries :
Israeli-citizenship :
an artificial-identity
based on a case of an assumed-identity
while living as colonialists
on a stolen Land.
The State of Israel :
a 11Th. century invention confused with a Biblical-myth
of a Kingdom that never was called " Israel"
but Judea and or Samaria.
The Israelites :
a vanished-population
which coincided with the narratives
of the Bible-stories.
In the meantime the Israelites have become Christians
and later Muslims too....
otherwise known as today´s Palestinians !!
The Jews :
people who adhere to Judaism
and are found in different countries
from different races and different cultures
with also different roles in History.
Zionism :
a criminal-colonial- ideology
based on the misinterpretation of the Bible
and based also on a false-genetic- identity
Zionist :
a person who believes in Zionism
whithout necessarily being a Jewish-person.
God´s "promise" to Abraham :
the meeting with Jesus the Messiah
on the Land of Canaan.
(and not the Land of Canaan,itself )
Anti-semitism :
is actualy , Anti-Ashkenazim.
(a European-Christian- Disease,
not at all related to Palestine
nor to Arabs , nor to Islam )
Terrorism :
the power of the powerless.
The writings of Sherlock Hommos :
The simple truth ,
covered with a double- layer
of humour and sarcasm.
Raja Chemayel
(brother-in- law of Sherlock Hommos
and cousin to Eng. Moustafa Roosenbloom)
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