Au check point de Qalandia

dimanche 26 décembre 2010, par
Des soldats de la force d’occupation évacuent des militants Palestiniens et étrangers lors d’une protestation contre le mur de séparation au check point de Qalandia, entre Ramallah et Jérusalem. Dimanche, 26 décembre 2010.
Israeli policemen scuffle with Palestinian and foreign activists during a protest against Israel’s separation barrier at the Qalandia checkpoint between Ramallah and Jerusalem, Sunday, Dec. 26, 2010. Israel says the barrier is necessary for security while Palestinians call it a land grab.
(AP Photo/Majdi Mohammed)
Israeli policemen scuffle with Palestinian and foreign activists during a protest against Israel’s separation barrier at the Qalandia checkpoint between Ramallah and Jerusalem, Sunday, Dec. 26, 2010. Israel says the barrier is necessary for security while Palestinians call it a land grab.
(AP Photo/Majdi Mohammed)
Non au terrorisme de l’Etat d’Israël
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